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Baby Names Problem

You and your spouse decided to let the internet name your next child. You’ve asked the great people of the web to submit their favorite names, and you’ve compiled their submissions into a Series called babynames.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

babynames = pd.Series([
    'Jathonathon', 'Zeltron', 'Ruger', 'Phreddy', 'Ruger', 'Chad', 'Chad',
    'Ruger', 'Ryan', 'Ruger', 'Chad', 'Ryan', 'Phreddy', 'Phreddy', 'Phreddy',
    'Mister', 'Zeltron', 'Ryan', 'Ruger', 'Ruger', 'Jathonathon',
    'Jathonathon', 'Ruger', 'Chad', 'Zeltron'], dtype='string')

Determine how many people voted for the names ‘Chad’, ‘Ruger’, and ‘Zeltron’.

Try with Google Colab